
Over the years I have worked on saveral websites, mainly developement. Here is an overview oft the sites and what skills and techniques I have used on them

This Site

Hopefully you will have come here and like the style and feel to it. I like to develop software people have not seen here but feel is clever and innovative. That is the feel I really wanted to give my own site. To do this I have designed this site with an elastic layout so it tailors to the user instead of the other way round. The images I developed mostly in Blender to give an authentic 3d effect with some retouching in gimp in places. The site is written in PHP with jQuery and CSS complementing it

Insurance site

At the moment I have been creating on a Pet Insurance site for a client. It is mostly a developing role but I have designed the site to be secure and robust. Its developed in Python and makes good use of python decorators for authentications. So for example where a user session has expired a decorator would redirect the user to the login page. This greatly simplifies the code allowing you to concentrate and what the function should do 'when it runs'. It also makes use of json and ajax for responsive feedback. It has a database backend in MySQL and uses database sessions so sessions are retained accross multiple servers.

FISC Online

FISC Online are a software company specialising in FSA Insurance for Motor dealerships. During my time I have optimised periodically software jobs to run in a robust, secure and mangeable which give optimum detail in terms of finding of when a job last ran and what it did or failed to do. I have also worked to improve and fix issues on the site using Perl, MySQL, Javascript and AJAX, JSON


Websense is a multinational company specialising in Internet security both in terms of Web traffic and Email Traffic. During my time there I gained valuable experience into Web Development, Internet Security and Networking. One of my major pieces was redeisgning the web proxy notification pages visible to the end user