
I started to learn to program when I was at Secondary School, I had a TI-82 Graphical Calculator which could be programmed to do some basic stuff and was intrigued by what I could do with it. Around the same time I started to learn BASIC but was increasingly frustrated by it as it didn't have the power to do powerful programs. I did however like the fact it was very to understand the program you had written. So I started to look for something more powerful. Originally I was looking for C but I stumbled across Python on the internet and found it was just what I was looking for; in that was powerful. There is nothing really you can't do with it and it's friendly syntax. I learnt the language very easily as the documentation included documentation was excellent and used that. Later on I learned more languages. Today I know: This site is itself written using a combination of PHP, CSS, Javascript including jQuery and HTML


My main interest lies in GUI's though I would like to go into Embedded Systems. At the moment one of the things I would like to learn is Extending Python using C.